Approval Email
Congratulations! Your Toys for Tots registration has been approved.
BUT this is not your QR code - this is just an approval.
You will get an email AFTER 12:01 AM on December 13th to CONFIRM your appointment. The email on December 13th will have a LINK to click that says "Confirm your appointment". If you do not click this link, you cannot participate. To confirm you must select or click on "Confirm your appointment".
On December 13th or after, Please search for the confirmation email before contacing us. Check your SPAM and all other folders for an email from "PTAPTSA.ORG". Or search on "No-Reply".
IF you don't receive the confirmation email by December 15th, email us at [email protected].
If you do not receive an email with the QR code one-hour after clicking the link, email us at [email protected]
If you have any errors with the information on the application please contact us at [email protected].
Thanks you,
Toys for Tots