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Registration Instructions

READ *** Every Year Hundreds of you don't finish your application - and you don't get approved for Toys for Tots!!  Write down this email or take a picture of it [email protected]. If you do NOT see the following message (below) email us at the email above and tell us you don't think the registration completed:

Thank you for your registration.  
When we have completed the review of your application we will send you an email informing you of the decision and any further actions needed. 
If you want to check your registration status you can go to at any time and enter the email address you used to register for Toys for Tots to get your appiication's current status.  This is the fastest and simplest way to get a status update.

REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS BELOW:  (Watch the videos to assist you)

**At the top of this page we have added a "Help Video" section with 'how-to-videos" you can watch to assist with the registration process.**

Please enter a valid email address in the box below to continue registering.  After submitting your email, the system will email you a private link to the registration page.  This link is for your family's use only.  If you add children that are not part of your immediate familly (cousins, niece or nephew, grandkids, etc...)  your application may be denied.  

You can get your own email address here:

Every registration will be checked for duplicity with other local toy distributing agencies and Toys for Tots will cancel any registration with more than one entry.